bluefire real estate co.,ltd-尊龙官网

zhangzhou bluefire grand foundation——congratulation to grand opening of zhangzhou bluefirereal estate and year-end party in january 6th, 2016
news writer:蓝火置业   time:2016-01-07

      on the evening of january 6th, 2016, grand foundation of zhangzhou bluefire real estate co., ltd. and 2016 year-end party was held in zhangzhou wanda realm hotel. the vibrant scenario of ceremony was presented with high-erected archway. the convergence of multi-level directors from headquarter and hundreds of invited distinguished guests including sales elites, media group and upscale customers contributed to such a splendid opening ceremony.

deeply rooted in xiamen, zhangzhou, quanzhou; fresh departure of bluefire
      at 6 pm, the grand ceremony was unfolded with elevated music. under invitation of host, general manager of zhangzhou bluefire real estate co., ltd., shen yanhong, and ceo of bluefire real estate group initially delivered impulsive welcoming speech for warm gratitude towards present guest and made best wishes for the prospect of company. their words between lines made us accessible to the efforts bluefire real estate group made to real estate industry.

      subsequently, directors from zhangzhou bluefire and xiamen bluefire group jointly proposed a toast and announced the official foundation of zhangzhou bluefire real estate co., ltd. which pushed opening ceremony to climax.

year-end party, co-forged bluefire prospect
      now that it is year-end party, performance, cuisine and drinks are indispensable. approximately 7 pm, bluefire family party began. with toast carnival proceeding, performance self-arranged by bluefire staffs staged on----exhilarating shehui yao, jubilant gongxifacai, and deep-emotional nibawoguanzui, which made us appreciate the versatile bluefirers in the possession of professional sales performance while enjoying cuisine.

      during evening party, we toasted each other. directors from bluefire real estate group respectively expressed gratitude towards distinguished guests. professionals from respective fields jointly laid best wishes for all colleagues from bluefire real estate group to have leapfrog progresses in the following years. we believe that, profound brand sediment of bluefire real estate, arduous efforts and high-efficient operation will forge veteran sales team who features dream-embracing and passion, and create sales miracle in zhangzhou.

look forwards to cooperation with you!

projects in bluefire xiamen, zhongzhou, quanzhou division

four season sunshine of sce-----450,000㎡ thai-style sunshine community

longrunwanmei of nanan------180,000㎡ top binjiang german-style garden


dongshan•dayou avenue-----160,000㎡fengdongshimenkou•entertainment and tourist experience center
